
About The Fox Den: This website came about because I wanted a place to collect and share my work and the things I enjoy. I needed to share a couple of things I made with friends, and I decided that a website would be more efficient than trying to share .zip files with instructions through email or Google Drive. I intend it to be a combination of my main and side projects, with the occasional extra here and there. I first learned about Neocities when I stumbled across Itazuraneko while looking for Japanese resources online. Since finding it, the idea of making my own webpage has remained in the back of my mind. The Fox Den is the culmination of this.

My profile picture

About me: I'm a senior mechanical engineering student that loves robotics so much that I taught myself Japanese to study it better. I do robotics research where I'm developing a medical robot at my university and am working on creating a bipedal robot on the side. I'm applying to grad schools so I can continue researching robotics and pursue a PhD (either mechanical engineering with a robotics focus or robotics proper).