
Background: I've wanted to be an engineer, particularly a mechanical engineer, ever since I was little, but it took a little while to establish robotics as my main focus. When I was a kid, I would often go to the Henry Ford Museum and Greenfield Village with my mom. It is in large part due to these visits that I devloped a love of engineering, particularly in the innovation it led to. I yearned to be part of this innovation when I grew older. My favorite great engineering innovation was the train, and it was the driving factor of my early fascination with engineering. However, this fascination could only take me so far. After all, most of the legwork of the development of trains had already been done. I needed a new innovation to pursue that hadn't been fully established yet. Something that could impact the world in the same way that previous great innovations had. Over the next several years, I established what this would be: robotics.

Why robotics?:

Current work: